Architecture Design

This page provides a high-level overview of the project architecture.


The project repo is a mono-repo split up between directories for the /frontend, /backend, /traefik, and /docs. Each directory contains its own microservice(s). The /traefik directory is intended for deployment in a production environment.

Why a mono-repo?

  • Only client for the MetaGrid API back-end is the MetaGrid front-end
  • Simplifies end-to-end development and testing -- ship code faster!
  • Effective end-to-end code reviews
  • Easy refactoring
  • Reduced code complexity with standardizations across services


Simple Architecture Diagram

MetaGrid Architecture Diagram

File Structure

In root, there are multiple directories that contain microservices:

  • /frontend
  • /backend
  • /traefik
  • /docs


The user interface is rendered through React components which allow for modular and reusable design patterns.

To communicate with REST APIs, the front-end uses a promise-based HTTP client. Aside from the MetaGrid API back-end, here are other ESGF services used:

  • ESGF Search API - This API is the interface connected to the search engine (Solr, Elastic Search)
  • ESGF wget API - This API generates wget scripts for downloading datasets


MetaGrid's Django REST Framework back-end serves REST APIs, which send and receive JSON data via endpoints.


Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Traefik is used in the production deployment of MetaGrid.


Stores document related files for the entire project using Markdown and MkDocs.